You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > File - Cash Register

File - Cash Register

Use this option to maintain the Cash Register master file in POS.

Before setting up your cash registers in POS, you need to consider the way you would like to have your registers configured. A register represents each area where money is stored since it is the register that is opened / closed each day that produces the banking and reconciliation reports for the day's trading. The register contains the control functions and acts as the repository for the cash collected.

At least one register needs to be established before POS can be used. Multiple registers can be setup if you have more than one cash drawer. Each user (or operator) is then assigned to a register. You can assign one register to one user or one register to many users, which would be the case where you have more than one POS sales terminal but only one common cash drawer operating.